Pelvic Floor PT Mabble Media Pelvic Floor PT Mabble Media

The Number 1 Health Care Provider Most People Should See After Giving Birth, But Don’t

Jenni was recently featured in the Huffington Post sharing her knowledge about the effects of pregnancy on the pelvic floor and solutions for how to improve these muscle groups postpartum.

After weekly medical check-ins at the end of pregnancy, most people won’t see a health care provider until six weeks postpartum. At that point, if it looks like healing is proceeding well, they are officially “cleared” to have sex and exercise again.

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Pelvic Floor PT Mabble Media Pelvic Floor PT Mabble Media

Tips From a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist to Help Your Postpartum C-Section Recovery

Congratulations! If you’ve made it to this blog post, it’s likely that you recently birthed a baby (or are expecting to very soon). I want to provide you with some information that will hopefully help you in your postpartum C-section recovery. Know that there can be a lot of emotions around having a C-section, whether it was planned or unexpected, this is very normal. It seems many women leave the hospital after this major surgery only to feel like they have no idea how to care for their newborn, themselves and their scar…and this can lead to a lot of fear surrounding movement, recovery and general well-being after surgery. I don’t want that for you. My hope is to be able to arm you with some tools to utilize post-surgery that will empower you during an extremely vulnerable time.

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Pelvic Floor PT Mabble Media Pelvic Floor PT Mabble Media

5 Pelvic Floor Exercises During Pregnancy for an Easier Delivery

If you think physical therapists only help patients recover from injury or surgery, you’re not alone. While rehabilitation is part of our job, we also focus on injury prevention. As the healthcare industry begins to emphasize wellness more, doctors and patients are becoming more aware of what pelvic floor physical therapists can offer during and after pregnancy. From stretches to squats, here are some exercise that you can do at home to make for an easier birth.

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Pelvic Floor PT Mabble Media Pelvic Floor PT Mabble Media

What is Diastasis Recti and Can Pelvic Therapy Help?

Diastasis rectus abdominis is a condition in which the two sides of the abdominal muscle separate, as the tissue connecting them stretches. This typically happens during and following pregnancy due to the stretching of the abdominal wall, as the uterus expands. Physical therapy has been shown to be a highly effective disatasis recti treatment, helping to prevent and address diastasis recti pain.

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Pelvic Floor PT Mabble Media Pelvic Floor PT Mabble Media

What is Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy?

Pelvic floor physical therapy is a treatment to help address pain, weakness, and dysfunction in the pelvic floor muscles. The type of therapy prescribed will depend upon the symptoms you’re experiencing. Some symptoms will require relaxing and lengthening of the muscles, while others may require strengthening the muscles.

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Pelvic Floor PT Mabble Media Pelvic Floor PT Mabble Media

Pain with Sex - Common Problems and Solutions with Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist, Dr. Jenni Limoges

Jenni was recently featured in the femSTRONG podcast sharing her knowledge about pain with sex problems and solutions. Sex should be amazing... so why is it painful for so many of us?!? So often women get the short end of the stick sexually (no pun intended...). Our problems can often go unaddressed - or worse, brushed off as "no big deal" or "normal" - when HELLO! We deserve to be having AMAZING sex!!! And let's be real... that's not easy to do if that shit hurts.... so. We're here today to address this topic and hopefully bring you some helpful information about what could be causing your pain and what you can do about it!

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Pelvic Floor PT Mabble Media Pelvic Floor PT Mabble Media

What The Hell Is Up with The Pelvic Floor with Pelvic Floor PT, Dr. Jenni Limoges

Jenni Limoges is a Physical Therapist in Reno-Tahoe who specializes in Pelvic and Spine Health. She owns Advanced Pelvic and Spine Physical Therapy in Reno, NV and has been practicing as a Pelvic Health PT for nearly 10 years! In this episode we chat about common pelvic dysfunctions and how you can seek solutions! If you are one of the many women experiencing pain with sex or incontinence when you jump, cough or sneeze: this episode is for you!

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